Itylee and Vienna

Itylee and Vienna

Monday, March 14, 2011

72 hour kits reality check

My heart goes out to all the people in Japan and also to everyone that has loved ones there. We have been so blessed over here in Utah to not have the "Big One" hit us yet. All these natural disasters that have been going on around the world have been a warning to us to be prepared. So i decided to go through my 72 hr kits that hasnt been updated since 2008 and discovered my family would probably last only 1 day if we were away from home and because of my job its probably likely that I would be away from home. It was quite frightening. First I had to run down stairs to even find the 72 hr kit when really it should of been in my car. Then discovered it only had a few food items in it that had expired in 2008. So my shopping list was made. Then I realized there wasnt anything for Vienna due the fact she was born in 2009 and my bag was made in 2008. I was totally not prepared. Luckly while I was going through my kit I remembered James had gotten me a solar powered phone charger for Christmas but I never put it in my in kit. How mad at myself would I have been If i was in need of it and didnt have it because I was to lazy to put it right away when I got it. I think it is something everyone should have if you have a cell phone. Expecially if your like me and that is your home phone too. Also it was a great reminder to establish an out of state contact that both my husband and I could call to check in to incase I couldnt get a hold of him. So my list is made, food shopping, and calling my sister to let her know she is my contact. So I challenge all of you to just check your 72 hr kits and seriously let me know if your kit was up to date! I will give you a gold star if it is :)And seriously consider getting this solar powered charger. Its also good for more thing than a  phone too!


  1. Love this post!! Everytime something like this happens I always realize how unprepared we really are...and the phone charger is really brilliant! thanks for the great idea....and p.s...your girls are absolutely ADORABLE!!
